Please make sure you register/ sign up as a member on our website before sending packages to our office.

To ship your items to our U.S. address upon online shopping checkout, please enter our shipping address details including your legal name and phone number as illustrated below:

Your Name & Phone #: e.g John Doe 0754XXXXXX

Street Address: 14101 Rio Bonito Rd #232

City & State: Houston, TX

Zip Code: 77083

Clients currently in the U.S / Diaspora can ship their packages directly to our U.S address labeled with the name of the recipient in Tanzania and their phone number.
We do not ship any goods containing pressurized containers, alcohol, other flammable chemicals, or items categorized as hazardous material. View the shipping exclusion list for more details

We reserve the right to refuse to ship any goods if we deem that doing so is in contravention of laws and regulations in the United States and/or Tanzania.
We strictly do not accept in-person package drop-offs at our U.S office. All packages have to go through the mail system for security and screening purposes.